Friday, February 13, 2009

A big umbrella

I have a huge golf umbrella that I keep in the car for rainy days and we had one of those days this past week. It poured. When I got into my classroom, my umbrella was soaked so I left it open over in a corner so it could dry out.

What an attraction it was! I've done this before many times with this umbrella but kids on this day couldn't leave it alone! One picked it up and twirled it. Someone crouched under it. Two different kids rolled up into a ball beneath it at different times of the day. The second graders asked me to take a group shot of them under it (7 kids...they all fit...I'm telling you that I have a BIG umbrella!) My favorite was the chess game played while belly down underneath.

I was thinking about it. Sometimes we think that becasue gifted kids speak and think as if they were older that they will act older and be more mature. Nope. They are still kids and they still love a big old umbrella.

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