Thursday, May 28, 2009

New baby!

You know, they aren't kidding when they call a newborn "a bundle of joy". I don't think Sam and Gail could be any happier and I know that being a grandma does not get to be old hat. Nevaeh makes me very happy. What a beautiful child. What a beautiful gift.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I hallucinate: Part 2

Actually I did not hallucinate during part two of my root canal. I had done my homework this time around and the medication was just right. When he was finished the endodontist did say that this had been such a difficult tooth that he wasn't sure that this would save it. I decided to think positive thoughts and hope for the best...and so far, all is well.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I am really not sure why some flowers are called flowers and others are called weeds. Dandelions are pretty, cheerful, easy to grow, and my grandmother used to swear the the greens were a spring tonic.
How could anything as sweet as a violet be called a weed. I don't get it. I like a jumbled wild looking yard with a lot going on. I'm quite comfortable with my "weeds"!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Indianapolis Museum of Art

Spring was blooming and at its best on our recent visit! Photos courtesy of Ellen...