Friday, October 17, 2008

I am hooked on knitting

~ I walk by the teacher's mailboxes at school, see a big box, and think, "I hope that's yarn for me."

~ Let me add that I have no yarn on order and wouldn't have it shipped to school even if I did.~ I take pictures of plain skeins of yarn stacked in various configurations.

~ I find those pictures of skeins of yarn beautiful and terribly interesting.

~ I think other people are strange if they don't agree with me on this.

(By the way, this is the yarn for the blanket I'm making for the Cincy baby. I can't wait to start but I'm being disciplined and finishing at least one of my Works-in-Progress first!)

1 comment:

Sam B. said...

Lovely, yes... fascinating - erm, yes, why yes they ARE quite fascinating. Hey no worries on the baby sack - it will still be cute even if the size is a little off.