Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ain't much left of that little white pill

We are back from Lake Michigan and on the day we left Saugutuck, I did it. I cut that last little Xanax pill/day in half and am now down to .125mg or half a pill a day.

That is like nothing....and yet it is definitely something to my body. I can and do cry at the drop of a hat, I can't remember words, I am confused. Today I was sitting in my car at a red light. The light turned green and I sat there thinking, "Green light. Now that means something. Why does that ring a bell?" Motorists behind me gave me the reminder I needed but this is a little scary. Especially when we are dealing with Dad and Minnette and dementia. Move over old folks and make way for the latest member of the Can't Remember Shit Club.

1 comment:

Sam B. said...

I can't remember anything, either - do I get to be in your club?