Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We interrupt...

....our tour of ancient Egypt for an exciting announcement!Stew and I will be taking Ian to Los Angeles in June. We will ride the Southwest Chief (in a sleeping car! I have always wanted to do this ever since the I Love Lucy episode when they headed west!) through the Rockies and the desert and across the plains. We plan to visit Aunt Berniece and California cousins and hopefully our Bakersfield nephew and his family. An exciting way to celebrate a retirement, a landmark anniversary, and a grandson entering his teens!


Sam B. said...

*gasp* I've ALWAYS wanted to do that! Gail, can we do this some day?! (p.s. - More pix of Nevy please!)

Ellen said...

I love the pictures of Nevy as much as anyone. . . but more bizarre cartoons of people on trains, please!

(ps. mom, a cross country train ride is the perfect time and place for a Trixie Belden mystery! It might be time to promote Ian from Bobby to a real member of the Bobwhites!)