Sunday, February 14, 2010

Since the last time I was here....

...I have helped my "crippled but not an invalid" husband get along, celebrated the birthday of Nickulous, served an important role as adjunct to the Bloom Sibling-Weekend-o'-Fun, become a true Cake Maniac, indulged my strange obsession for America's Next Top Model, worked full time (pictured are my Huntertown 5th graders in their Mentor Program t-shirts and my Cedar Canyon 3rd graders enjoying their quilt project), finished the sweater for Sari and Paul's baby girl, and started a project for the Knitting Olympics.

(This scarf is my Knitting Olympics project. I had to rip out the first sock of Brenda's pair because of serious gauge error. It is very sad to rip out a completed sock but unless she had plans to wear a cast like Stew's and to wear the sock over the cast, it wouldn't have fit anyway. I figure I have to finish something for her sometime. So far, all she has are promises.)

I don't plan to stay away so long ever again!


Sam B. said...

The America's Top Models photo in amongst the rest of the lovely pix is quite jarring and painful. Otherwise, glad to have you back.

kate said...

I second Sam's comment! It took me by surprise!