It's time for things to calm down!
We went to see the podiatrist and found out that my MRI shows "Achilles tendonosis with significant tearing". I don't have many choices...either surgery or continuing to limp and hurt until the tendon totally tears.
And on the way home, we were going 55mph when a car started to pull out of an addition on Leo Road right in our path. Stew slammed on the brakes, we skidded in a complete circle and ended up stuck in the muddy ditch with our hind end out in traffic. Amazingly enough, there doesn't seem to be any damage to our car and the damage to our nerves has been helped by a nice little wine.
So with a false heart attack/pleuritis and a torn tendon and a near miss serious accident...I'm ready to go back to the boring routine. Now! Please!
Number 18 -- A barely-hanging-on Blogoversary
4 months ago
Boring routine sounds ok with me!
Wow! You poor guys... thank God you're both okay! I hope things turn around soon!
I hope things go back to normal soon and I'm glad you guys are ok! I am sending you good vibes.
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