I'm just sitting here thinking that I am not a fan of August. When those crickets or cicadas or whatever they are start making that insect sound, it sends me into an August funk. And speaking of insects, I see bugs in August that I never see earlier or later in the year. Maybe they are necessary to Mother Nature but I think they are nasty.
We start back to school even though it is barely midsummer. I love teaching and once I'm in my school year routine, I'm comfortable and happy. But the transition is hell. Being in two schools stinks at this time of year. Setting up two classrooms, two schedules, working with two principals and two staffs....this taxes my limited organizational skills. This year I sent out my list of students and my schedule 3 times at one school and never at the other. I'm blaming it on Xanax madness...
There's not enough rain and my garden is thirsty but I'm too hot and pooped out from adjusting to school to even have empathy. Anything that survives August in my garden is a trooper. If I survive August, I'm a trooper.
And don't get me started on why I don't like September......