I am addled and fuzzy brained. Yesterday I was trying to find my way to a party at a coteacher's house and I got loster than I have ever been before. I drove up and down the highway looking for her addition, pissed as hell that she didn't even know the name of the addition she lived in because that addition was certainly not on this highway. I turned in at the addition I decided must be the correct one and then was furious with her for having the names of all the streets wrong. What the hell was wrong with this woman! She didn't know the names of streets near her house! After 30 confused and really pissed off minutes, I figured out that the highway that I was driving up and down looking for the addition she didn't know the name of was the wrong highway! Never occured to me that I might be mistaken....I was positive that she was an idiot.
Combine "confused" and "irritable" and you have one ugly disposition.
But despite golden moments like this, I'm goin' down. Starting tomorrow, my dose of Xanax will be .25. I am proud....and terrified!
Number 18 -- A barely-hanging-on Blogoversary
5 months ago