We had an interesting and enjoyable trip to the Chicago area for our great-nephew Eli's 1st birthday. So much happened and I'm not sure what all had to do with xanax withdrawal and what was just a good old time.
I found myself being very teary....when I saw Eli for the first time since last September, when I saw Matt walking toward me, when I was talking with Minnette (and not from the pain of annoyance), when we were visiting the assisted living home where she will be moving, when I gave El her gift, when I saw Samantha's face as we went in to the American Girl Place. Not sure whether to attribute this to Xanax stuff or just tenderheartedness.
And then there was the intense protective irritation when that kid named Sammy was being such a butt at the party. His mouth was fresh and he physically hurt Ian and I got controlled crazy. I called that kid on his behavior and, when his dad insisted, told him the story too. Was this good adult behavior or a sign of intense irritability?
One thing I learned was to be very careful about taking all my meds ON TIME, to be very careful about what I eat, and to take pain meds as needed. When I was a couple of hours late with a dose of Xanax, I was such a mess that I wondered whether I could even do this withdrawal stuff. And I had some pretty uncomfortable stomach issues on top of it. Plus too much pain. The next day I was careful and felt much better. Whew!
Highlights: being with the baby, seeing Matt and Mer, our trip to the American Girl Place (I almost didn't go and I am so glad that I pulled it together and went), the night the Blooms ruled the pool, being with Stew and our kids, giving El her album. Not bad for being away from home during the withdrawal crud! Good for me!
Number 18 -- A barely-hanging-on Blogoversary
5 months ago